We invite you to explore a Story of O Bibliography:
This website’s exemplary, informative and illustrated ‘Story of O’ Bibliography includes the 2 Books, 9 films, 16 artists and more. Explore the Books/ Films/ Theatre/ and Art of STORY OF O. Click on the preceding links or use the drop-down menu.
For a further and extensive listing of all things Story of O delve into the Story of O Reference Library.
Here you can find listings of articles, books and similar texts. Story of O is mentioned in numerous books,
articles and University papers. Answers to your questions? Your research begins here.
Testimonial from a student in Australia:
“I am a Master of Arts student at the Australian National University. My thesis on
Story of O is almost complete, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your site. Your biblio page gave me a great place to start in researching the text! As you already know, the sphere of information on the text is quite small, and they all seem to reference each other pretty closely. In most cases, I was lead time and again back to texts on your list, so thank you!”
Unique MAP of places mentioned in the novel: O MAP – with kind permission of Sirlpe (Sweden)
Go to Times O-bituary: